Mind and Body In Motion

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Susan Chandler, MA and 6th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido , is a teacher, speaker, corporate trainer, and radio show host providing innovative programs that combine age old wisdom from the mind body movement practices with emerging scientific understanding of the mind body connection.

By engaging mind and body, Susan’s programs provide insight and skill for optimizing personal wellness, handling stress, and achieving excellence.

Minding Your Balance™
Mind Body Techniques from Ki-Aikido for Better Balance on Your Feet and in Life

Mind and Body In Motion Podcasts
Listen to Susan’s conversations with researchers and authors, as well as instructors and practitioners from a variety of movement practices about the science of body & mind and the movement practices making a difference in people’s health and well being

Business Programs
Learn about Susan’s Innovative programs on the foundations of leadership, performance and communication excellence, and the keys to stress defense.

Denver Ki-Aikido
Step out on the mat at Denver Ki-Aikido!
